Our local capacity building programmes are designed to equip organisations and the modern professional with skills to stay competitive in today’s rapidly evolving corporate world. Please clink on each of the programmes below for a detail description of the program.
- Company/ Board Secretary Masterclass
- Board Evaluation Process
- Effective Communication, Report Writing and Presentation Skills
- Infographics and Presentation Skills
- Effective Meetings and Minute-Taking
- Office Management and Administrative skills
- Building Resilient Business Masterclass
- Excellent Customer Experience, Non Negotiable in Today’s World of Work
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Masterclass Workshop
- The Effective Board
- Occupational Health and Safety Management
- Employee Relations Management
- Effective Compensation and Benefits Management
- Soft Skills for Today’s Professional
- Introduction to Cyber Security
- Enhancing Operational Excellence through Change Management and Process Improvement (Lean Six Sigma)
- Emotional Intelligence: Improving Job Performance, Staff Retention and Team Effectiveness
- Corporate And Brand Communications
- Corporate Culture and Etiquette
- Effective Compliance Masterclass
- Strategic Sales and Marketing Masterclass
- Subsidiary Governance